Scrum Roles and Responsibilities: The Product Owner

What are the Scrum Roles and Responsibilities? The Product Owner is part of the Scrum Team. They are chosen because of their extensive understanding of the Business. This knowledge should be in the areas of the Development effort, or the Product. While it can be argued that the Scrum Master is a part-time Role in…

Product Owner Responsibilities

What are the Product Owner Responsibilities and how can you find the perfect Product Owner? It might come as a surprise to discover the requirements for the ideal Product Owner for a Project. We need to ensure that they can Work according to the of Agile values and principles, and the Scrum framework. They need…

Scrum Team Culture & Scrum Projects

What is Scrum Team Culture? When a Company takes the steps for moving from a Traditional IT setup to an Agile Environment, there will be some teething problems due to the Culture Change. This is on several fronts:-. the Organisation is still organised hierarchically and find it challenging to accept the way of Work of…

Agile Development Frameworks

Are you considering following the Agile Development values and principles? Are you currently following an Agile Framework? Lets discuss some of the alternatives that are available and the crucial factors to consider when picking a Framework. Agile is an evolution from Rapid Application Development and Extreme Programming (RAD and XP are still regarded as Agile…

Agile Lessons for Scrum Projects

Agile Lessons: Where Waterfall can Learn from Agile There are case studies out there for both Agile and Waterfall projects. None of these case studies were particularly compelling advocates for either approach. The real reason for this is that it is not about the approach, it is about the people. This includes the people who…

Implementing Agile Development

How do you go about implementing Agile Development? In early 2005, with echoes of the Agile Manifesto, the Declaration of Interdependence (DOI) was published. At first glance, it seems like a close relation of the Manifesto, but there was a difference: the Declaration is aimed at Management in general, not just IT Agile and Scrum…

Minimum Viable Product in Agile Projects

The Lean Startup philosophy of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) relates directly to the Fundamentals of Agile Development. In this rapidly changing world, getting a Product to Market as swiftly as possible has become a priority. Speed is not just to beat the competition, but also to keep up with digital disruption. The Product has…

Agile or Waterfall Development – Which is Best?

Which is better for you, Agile or Waterfall? Lets have a look at a very simple step by step guide to help you choose the appropriate Product Development approach between Agile and Traditional Product Development. Make no mistake, the answer to the core question of which approach is much better for you is not a…

Delivering Value with the Agile Manifesto

How can the Agile Manifesto be used for Delivering Value? In February 2001, seventeen IT experts got together to draft the Agile Manifesto. The set of four Values and twelve Principles revealed in the Manifesto are the Drivers of all Agile practices. In some cases we forget this when we are in the middle of…

Customer Satisfaction And the Agile Principles

How do the Agile Principles support Customer Satisfaction? When the Agile Manifesto was drawn up in 2001, it embodied Four Values and Twelve Principles. These values and principles signalled a brand-new technique to Software Development. The first, and essential Principle states:-. “Our Highest Priority Is To Satisfy The Customer Through Early And Continuous Delivery Of…