Software Refactoring is a term utilized to explain the activity of optimising Software Code. In the early days of Software Development, Software Refactoring was a given, since storage was so pricey. Inefficient Code was also slow and vulnerable to error. Nowadays, storage is cheap, so the Coding disciplines of the 20th century have actually fallen away somewhat. This does not mean that Software Refactoring has no Value today. It can still be utilized to good effect, even in Agile Projects. The real Value of enhancing the Code base comes when somebody has to maintain the Application. This is why a lot of legacy systems are troublesome. No-one understands what is going on in the depths of the Code.
Software Refactoring: How does One Refactor Code?
It can be surprising how much improvement can be made to an Application. This is regardless of language, if one takes an objective appearance at the source Code. There are some constraints in specific languages that make Refactoring specific to the structure of the language. However the same general guidelines can be applied.
Redundant Code.
It is simple to modify Code, a Developer can just cut and paste some Code from one part of the Application to the brand-new part where he is duplicating the function. What ought to actually be happening here is that this Code ought to be a sub-routine and appear only once in the Application, not every time the function is required.
A similar problem is redundant Code that is not actually adding Value to the Application. The code is executed – thus wasting time, but does not actually do anything. This can happen where Code was written earlier and it has not been removed. Sometimes it is not even executed, it is just a piece of Code that adds to the Complexity for the maintenance software developer.
Modules for Re-use.
Re-use is another charming Software term, explaining Code that performs a particular function. It can be called or addressed by the portion of the Application that needs this service and then exited when the function or activity is complete. This is how good Code should be composed; it makes Testing during Development much simpler and is a single point of failure, not iterated throughout the Application.
Breaking Up Big Chunks of Code.
Often the source Code in an Application can go on for pages without any breaks or interruptions. Chances are that this is where cutting and pasting of recurring Code is lurking, as well as redundant Code. It is best to divide the Code into more Manageable pieces; calling sub-routines where possible.
Naming Conventions.
For those who are old enough to remember early Basic, and were unfortunate enough to keep any Business Application composed in it, the naming limitation was a headache. A data field might be called A0-9 through Z0-9. Try fixing a wages and salaries Application with variables with names like C7 and G3, and you will understand the problem. Disciplined Coders would attempt and pick Codes that made some sense; for instance E2 might be a type of earning, and R3 could be a reduction. It was perfectly possible to add comments and descriptions to clarify what these fields represented, but not all Development shops were stringent about this. Utilizing appropriate and easy-to-understand names is just as important today, whether it is a variable or a method that is represented.
In-Source Documentation.
Some quick comments about what a methodor a function is expected to do can help when it comes to maintaining an Application. It could be useful to add a comment to clarify the reasoning in a complex function, or to explain the possible choices, for example, in a menu screen. It is always good to keep in mind that another person will have the Task of maintaining the Application you have actually composed, possibly a few years from now.
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Software Refactoring: Improving the design of the Code.
Simpler is better. This applies to Coding too. If there is a simple way of Coding an method or function, do it that way. Complex Code has a greater possibility of error and is harder to maintain. Plus complex Code probably contains redundant Code. A few comments make it easier to understand the intent of the original Developer. These improvements can be discussed during the Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective Meetings. They can then be prioritised within the Product Backlog for consideration during the Sprint Planning Meeting.
Is there a Place for Software Refactoring in Agile?
There are many people who refute Software Refactoring, as it appears to contradict the idea of getting the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) out in the shortest time. The Concept of “Working Software Over Documentation” is typically used to validate a complete lack of Documentation in source Code. The Agile Manifesto prefers Working Software to Comprehensive Documentation; it does not state that Documentation can be discarded. Another important word is in the First Principle “Our Highest Priority Is To Satisfy The Customer Through Early And Constant Delivery Of Valuable Software”. Clearly, all the Software Refactoring cases explained above indicate that the Quality of the Code is less than optimal, so the Value is jeopardised.
The Ninth and Tenth Principles also argue for Quality Code:-.
“Continuous Attention To Technical Excellence And Good Design Enhances Agility” and.
“Simplicity – The Art Of Maximizing Work Not Done – Is Essential”.
Yes there is a place for Software Refactoring in Agile, unless the Code was perfect the first time. The only real debate is just how much Software Refactoring must be Done.
Software Refactoring in Scrum – the Pros and Cons.
While everyone in the Scrum Team (Agile Scrum Master, Scrum Product Owner, and Scrum Development Team) need to be focusing on getting the Deliverables out for each Sprint, some time ought to be spent “cleaning up” the Code. There are a few reasons for this:-.
- Sloppy Code might have got through the Acceptance Criteria during an earlier Sprint, however further down the line it causes problems because it has defects that did not show up under previous Testing – the Feature that is failing is just being tested now (a dependency concern). This might be a significant problem if this is among the last Sprints.
- Where redundant or repetitive Code has been written, it will be picked up during inspection. It can be emphasized that there are more effective ways of writing Code, and the Quality can be improved going forward.
- One or more of the Developers may be inexperienced and might require some mentorship. There is no blame attached here.
Our Favourite Agile Books
We found these books great for finding out more information on Agile Scrum:
The main disadvantage to Software Refactoring is that generally no time has been built into any of the Sprints for doing it. It likewise ought to be Done in moderation, since it does affect the end product shipment. However, shipment of sub-standard Code has the same result; the problem is it may only end up being obvious once the Product is in the Marketplace and in the hands of the Customer.
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