The Agile Declaration of Interdependence

A 59 Seconds Agile Training Video
The Agile Declaration of Interdependence Part 8 of 13
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An Introduction to The Agile Declaration of Interdependence

A 59 Seconds Agile Article

This article provides an ‘Introduction to The Agile Declaration of Interdependence’ and looks to discuss the Key points within the Agile document.

The Declaration of Interdependence

The fourth statement of the Declaration is “We unleash creativity and innovation by recognizing that individuals are the ultimate source of value, and creating an environment where they can make a difference.” In order to deliver value to your clients, the members of your team need to be fully involved and invested in the project.

Think back to the opening example. You were put on a team where your talents weren’t utilized; if they had been, the development process would have been improved. You didn’t feel like you had any ownership in the project because you couldn’t contribute what you wanted to.

Now imagine being on that same team, but this time you are the one developing a large part of the software. Your team looks to you to help them solve problems since they know that you’re familiar with the subject matter. You come up with increasingly more creative solutions to the problems, and you eventually help create an incredibly efficient and high-quality product.

When you deliver the last piece to your client, you feel proud and empowered because you know that you gave everything you could to the project, and the product you created was better because of that. This also helped you feel like your work served a higher purpose, rather than feeling like a hamster running on a wheel.

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The Agile Declaration of Interdependence

A 59 Seconds Agile Video Animation
The Agile Declaration of Interdependence with 59 Seconds Agile

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User Stories Applied

A 59 Seconds Agile Book Review

User Stories Applied by Mike Cohn is one of our favourite books on Agile User Stories. The book starts with an overview into user stories, and details what a user story is and the different aspects of them. He then discusses how to go about writing a user story, and provides details of the INVEST criteria that can be used to determine if the story is meeting all of its objectives. Next Mike gives an in depth discussion of who user stories are written for and where to begin when gathering the details for them. The book then discusses acceptance testing user stories, including how to go about specifying these criteria and the responsibilities of the development team and customers during this process.

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The Declaration of Interdependence

A 59 Seconds Agile Infographic
59 Seconds Agile - The Declaration of Interdependence
59 Seconds Agile – The Declaration of Interdependence

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What is Agile? A 59 Seconds Agile Animation Video

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