The Agile Declaration of Interdependence

A 59 Seconds Agile Training Video
The Agile Declaration of Interdependence Part 11 of 13
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An Introduction to The Agile Declaration of Interdependence

A 59 Seconds Agile Article

This article provides an ‘Introduction to The Agile Declaration of Interdependence’ and looks to discuss the Key points within the Agile document.

The Declaration of Interdependence

The product owner in particular can use the Declaration to help facilitate the development process. I’m sure you’ve worked on a project where there is a traditional project manager relaying the product requirements and helping the team know what needs to be done. They’re doing the bare minimum, and they don’t really care about the product’s value.

This throws a big wrench into the development process. If, instead, we have a scrum product owner who follows the suggestions of the Declaration, the development process goes much more smoothly.

The product owner isn’t the only part of the team who can find the Declaration useful. The developers might not be the people facilitating the forward movement of the project, but they can still support the ideas in the Declaration.

Agile project management isn’t just a series of requirements to follow; it creates a specific work environment that produces continuous value. With the product owner and the developers all aware of the Declaration, the process of developing products will be open and efficient. Encouraging your teams to work by the ideas presented in the Declaration of Interdependence will decrease wasted time and money, and improve the efficiency of their product development process.

This means that you’ll be giving the best possible product to your customers, as well as building products that you, as a team, are proud of and feel a sense of ownership for.

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The Agile Declaration of Interdependence

A 59 Seconds Agile Video Animation
The Agile Declaration of Interdependence with 59 Seconds Agile

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User Stories Applied

A 59 Seconds Agile Book Review

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The Declaration of Interdependence

A 59 Seconds Agile Infographic
59 Seconds Agile - The Declaration of Interdependence
59 Seconds Agile – The Declaration of Interdependence

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