Scrum Product Backlog Prioritisation

A 59 Seconds Agile Training Video
Scrum Product Backlog Prioritisation Part 7 of 8
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Prioritizing the Product Backlog

A 59 Seconds Agile Article

This article provides an ‘Introduction to Prioritizing the Product Backlog’ and looks to discuss what the Product Backlog is. It provides an overview of who is involved in the process of Prioritizing the Product Backlog.

Prioritizing the Product Backlog: Risks

Prioritizing which features need to be built first helps clear any dependencies and reduce the impact of higher-risk features. This sort of prioritization will allow your team to ensure that they’re producing as much value as possible, as soon as possible. As we’ve seen, the prioritized product backlog is an essential tool to facilitate the creation of value and the reduction of waste.

Evaluating each of these aspects, and keeping track of the priority of each feature in a scorecard, can help keep the team organized, with a clear picture of the product. The person on your team that is responsible for keeping track of the product backlog is the product owner.

They are the ones who oversee the prioritization of the features and keep the backlog updated throughout the development process. They should try to use the tools we’ve discussed to keep prioritization as objective as possible. Hunches, guesses, or any personal biases lead to an inefficient product backlog, and your product could suffer as a result.

The product owner, while being the primary person in charge of the product backlog, isn’t alone in their endeavour. The stakeholders are welcome to give their opinion on which features they think should be prioritized. The product owner is the person on the team who helps prepare the team to be successful.

Remember, planning and prioritization are the keys to unlocking maximum value. Proper planning helps your team take your ideas from paper, to a real product that will create value for your company. Planning and prioritization are necessary processes in successful product delivery and the minimization of stress and waste.

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Prioritizing the Product Backlog

A 59 Seconds Agile Video Animation
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