Scrum Product Backlog Prioritisation
A 59 Seconds Agile Training Video
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Prioritizing the Product Backlog
A 59 Seconds Agile Article
This article provides an ‘Introduction to Prioritizing the Product Backlog’ and looks to discuss what the Product Backlog is. It provides an overview of who is involved in the process of Prioritizing the Product Backlog.
Prioritizing the Product Backlog: Planning
The first thing to consider when planning where to place a feature in the product backlog is what amount of risk it will take to develop. This might stem from the complexity of the feature, or the uncertainty about how it’s going to function, or the amount of dependency the entire project has on this particular feature.
All of these types of risk can make teams reluctant to start the development for that feature. They might hope that it’ll seem less risky later on, or that it will somehow work itself out.
Instead, it’s more likely that your team will run out of time or money, which will cause development for that feature to be even riskier. Instead of procrastinating these risky features because they’re intimidating, why not meet them head on from the beginning?
In a prioritized product backlog, high-risk features are given a higher priority, so they’re dealt with when the team still has time and money to develop them successfully. However, the product backlog isn’t entirely front-loaded with high risk features that would stress out the development team unnecessarily. They’re mixed together with lower-risk features that have high priority for other reasons.
By developing the riskiest features early on, your team will have a better idea of the project timeline and will feel empowered to continue creating value. They’ve already tackled the hard part, so everything else may seem a little less daunting.
You might be wondering how to determine how risky a feature is? The main idea is to have a more objective way to determine how much risk a feature poses for your company, and then to prioritize the highest-risk features to be built first. Planning and prioritization are the keys to unlocking maximum value.
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Prioritizing the Product Backlog
A 59 Seconds Agile Video Animation
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Prioritizing the Product Backlog
A 59 Seconds Agile Infographic
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