Scrum Product Backlog Prioritisation
A 59 Seconds Agile Training Video
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Prioritizing the Product Backlog
A 59 Seconds Agile Article
This article provides an ‘Introduction to Prioritizing the Product Backlog’ and looks to discuss what the Product Backlog is. It provides an overview of who is involved in the process of Prioritizing the Product Backlog.
Prioritizing the Product Backlog: Product Requirements
Think back to the last time that you started developing a new product for your company. Your team was briefed on what the product would look like, what features it would include, and what the timeline looked like. Then each week your manager would tell you which features to work on, working from the top of the product requirements list to the bottom.
As far as you can tell, they just took the product requirements as delivered by the customer and began to assign them for development in that order. As you worked through the development of each feature, you found yourself having to double back over and over, to fix aspects of earlier features to allow them to integrate with the new features.
You also ran into features that took a lot longer and cost more to develop than your manager thought they would.
So the entire project deadline kept getting pushed back further and further as your team struggled to develop all of the necessary features. You became frustrated with the illogical way the project was approached and started to wonder if there isn’t a better way.
The system of development your company works in doesn’t have a focused way to develop the features of your product. The lack of focus is leading to missed deadlines, extra costs, and inefficiencies in your work. If your team doesn’t find an alternative way to organize the feature development, you won’t be able to deliver the expected value to your customers.
Your company won’t be able to build their reputation for developing valuable, relevant products because you won’t be able to keep up with the quickly-moving market. Your team will be frustrated with the inefficient organization, and they’ll lose faith in their own product development.
Changing your approach to the way you plan your development process can clear up some of the costs, risks, and deadline issues.
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Prioritizing the Product Backlog
A 59 Seconds Agile Video Animation
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User Stories Applied
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Prioritizing the Product Backlog
A 59 Seconds Agile Infographic

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