Scrum Product Owner

The Product Owner acts as the voice of the Customer and they are accountable for delivering Value to the Business. 

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Scrum Master

The Scrum Master is accountable for removing impediments, enabling the Development Team to focus on delivering the Product Goals and deliverable's.

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Scrum Developer

The Development Team is responsible for developing the product. They work on the product requirements defined in the form of User Stories

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Agile Manifesto for Delivering Value in Scrum Projects

In February 2001, seventeen IT professionals got together to draft the Agile Manifesto. The set of four Values and twelve Principles expressed in the Agile Manifesto are the Drivers of all Agile projects. Sometimes we forget this when we are in the middle of a hard Project, and often we misinterpret or gloss over a…

Measuring Customer Satisfaction in Agile Projects

Can Measuring Customer Satisfaction be achieved in Agile Projects? The Agile Manifesto was prepared in 2001. It embodied Four Values and Twelve Principles that signalled a brand-new approach to Software Development. The first, and crucial Principle states:-. “Our Highest Priority Is To Satisfy The Customer Through Early And Continuous Delivery Of Valuable Software”. This is…

Continuous Delivery Of Valuable Software

How can we ensure Continuous Delivery Of Valuable Software. ‘Traditional Projects’ are Delivered according to a Plan. In Software Development there is a combination of unpredictability and the constant need to Change Requirements. These changes to requirements can occur throughout the Project. Each of these changes bring a high level of Risk as well as…

Justifying Business Value Within Scrum Projects

Justifying Business Value, is it possible within Scrum Projects? The signatories to the Agile Manifesto gathered in 2001. Their aim was to define a new way of Delivering Software Products. Together, they agreed that Software Development should aim to deliver “Valuable” Products to the Customer. Let us consider what would make a Product Valuable in…

Benefits Management in Scrum Projects

What is Benefits Management and how does it apply to Scrum Projects? This article will examine the different methods available to Measure Benefits within a Scrum Project. To begin with we want to briefly talk about the Benefits Management Process. Benefits Management: When Should the Expected Benefits be Defined? The discipline of Benefits Realisation Management…

ROI Calculation in Scrum Projects

What is a ROI Calculation and how is it used in Scrum Projects? Is the calculation based on customer satisfaction? Return on Investment (ROI) is a Measurement that is essential to Stakeholders. Stakeholders take Risks by investing in a Project and want to ensure they get their money back. Ideally they will accomplish added Growth…

Accepting Change in Scrum Projects

Accepting change and managing these changes is part of the Scrum Framework. When we discuss Change in connection with Scrum, there are many categories of Change. In an Agile Environment, almost everything is in a state of flux. Here are a few of the Changes that can be expected in any Project:-. a Change in…

Cost Justification in Scrum Projects

What is Cost Justification and how is it applied in Scrum Projects? Among the characteristic of Agile Development is the Continuous Delivery of Value. This is expressed in the First Principle of the Agile Manifesto:-. “Our Highest Priority Is To Satisfy The Customer Through Early And Continuous Delivery Of Valuable Software”. In order to make…

Creating Personas within Scrum Projects

What is the process for Creating Personas in a Scrum Project? The Creation of Personas is not new by any methods, it is part of the human existence. Some Personas take on a life of their own in our Imaginations. From Tin-tin to Superman and, more recently, Harry Potter, authors and artists have Visualised Characters…

Planning Poker and the Agile Estimating Techniques

What is Planning Poker and how is it used for Estimating in Agile Projects? The subject of Estimation triggers heated debates amongst many Agile Practitioners. There are those who say that Estimation Wastes Time and must be removed from Sprint Planning. There are also the advocates of task estimation. A few circumstances may be encountered…