The Product Vision is a statement regarding the future of the Product and must be communicated throughout the organization. Within an Agile Project, the Vision is the first stage of the project. The Product Vision should clearly set the end Goals of the Product, while it should also be used to guide the Development Team to achieve the Vision. The Product Owner is responsible for the Product Vision, therefore they must be knowledgeable about the product. It is also important for the product owner to be clear on the goals and requirements throughout the project.
Creating an Effective Product Vision
An effective Vision should answer the following questions:
- Who is the Product for?
- Which needs the Product will address?
- What Value the will the Product bring?
When determining who the product is for, creating personas can help with defining the character set for the product. A persona is a brief description of a character that the product is aimed towards.

Delivering the Product Vision
The Scrum Team, work towards the Vision that the Business Team has described, furthermore, it should be delivered exactly as requested. The Product Owner is responsible for delivering the business value, while the development team is responsible for creating the value. It is, however, a team effort to achieve the business value, and they all must buy into the vision and co-own all of the aspects of delivering the project.
Product Vision Statement
Firstly, the Product Vision Statement should be a tool for the Scrum Team to use for communicating intent to the product stakeholders. The vision should not be a strategic mission statement, but a practical tool for focusing the team. However, care should be taken to ensure that the Vision is being driven by genuine business value. Agile projects focus on delivering value to the business while also provide the framework for achieving value.
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